January 3, 2016

Color printing on a surface the size of a grain of salt

Employees of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH) reported the smallest color image created using inkjet technology. The size of the image is so small that it can be seen only in a special microscope. It shows the clown fish floating near the aquarium plants, sea anemones. The area of ​​the image is only 0.0092 mm 2 or 80 mm x 115 mm, which is comparable to the area of ​​the cross section of a human hair.

January 2, 2016

SpaceX Falcon 9 - reusable launch vehicle

US private company SpaceX has carried out the first ever controlled landing launcher.
December 21 at 20:29 local time (at 04:29 Moscow time), the first stage of the Falcon 9 rocket took off into space, separated from the second stage, and then carried on by a return back to the landing site in Florida at Cape Canaveral 10 kilometers from the launch pad.
Despite the fact that the main task of the mission with which the company has successfully managed, was the delivery of eleven satellites in orbit and landing of the first stage of the rocket - a minor task. In essence, this event is much more significant, because it opens a new milestone in the space industry - the beginning of the orbital of the economy, the future is extremely promising cheap spaceflight.

January 1, 2016

Perm CB "Aircraft Engine" developing Ukrainian analogue of the turbines for the Mi-26

Perm Design Bureau (KB) "Aircraft Engine" started developing Ukrainian analogue of turbines for heavy Mi-26 helicopters. This Tass Territory Governor Viktor Basargin.
"To replace the Ukrainian engine D-136, which are equipped with Mi-26 helicopters, the Perm enterprise" "OAO initiation of a helicopter engine PD-12B. In parallel, work on the creation of the PD-10 engine for a heavy modification of aircraft "Sukhoi Superjet", "- he said.