The updated version of the application WhatsApp for Android now has a "pass-through» (end-to-end) encryption, which protects the default messages from being intercepted and read by unauthorized persons. This was reported in the company's blog partner WhatsApp to provide this function Open WhisperSystems.
The idea of "through" encryption that the message is encoded in the time of shipment and can only be decrypted by the user who it is intended. Thus, even if unauthorized persons will be able to intercept traffic WhatsApp, then the message will get to them in encrypted form. Moreover, decrypt messages and can not formally representatives themselves WhatsApp, because they will not be available to encryption keys, and because they can not disclose the content of correspondence, even by the court.
The idea of "through" encryption that the message is encoded in the time of shipment and can only be decrypted by the user who it is intended. Thus, even if unauthorized persons will be able to intercept traffic WhatsApp, then the message will get to them in encrypted form. Moreover, decrypt messages and can not formally representatives themselves WhatsApp, because they will not be available to encryption keys, and because they can not disclose the content of correspondence, even by the court.