June 26, 2014

Man to Man - a cyborg?

U.S. National Intelligence released a report "Global Trends 2030: alternate worlds," according to which in the foreseeable future, people will have a set of super-powers. If you believe the Americans, already in this generation in the human body are easily implanted "superpowers" - become quite common, for example, night vision, and the ability to develop incredible speed. Next to the ordinary people will live in megacities cyborgs, and anyone with a funded can using plastic surgery to redesign themselves in Superman.

There are many questions at once. Is it dangerous to excessive introduction of artificial elements in the human body, where is the line that will distinguish man from the cyborg it be possible kibernizirovat brain or even replace it with another A-extend the life with the help of these improvements-Whether or not the cyborgs in the soul-

As it turned out, for the answers are not necessarily co-opt experts from abroad - the problem of technical re-equipment and a person closely involved in Russia. And domestic researchers enthusiasts progress in this, perhaps, even more Americans.

Anyway, based on the development of our scientists can already draw far-reaching conclusions futuristic. Some of them stated "Rosbalt" one of the ideologists of universal human Dmitry  Itskov - Russian billionaire, "transhumanist" and founder of the social movement "Russia 2045", whose members - leading experts in the field of interfaces, robotics and artificial organs - are involved, including , a project to create an artificial human body (avatar).

"The functions of any organ - sight, hearing, touch, intellectual activity and movement - can be enhanced with cybernetic technology - explains Itskov  . - When this happens-Judging by today's pace of development of robotics and neyroprotezirovaniya very soon. Cybernetic technology already being used for the production of hearing implants, bionic prosthetic limbs and internal organs until the heart of the prosthesis. Same dentures hearing massively used in medical practice. During the next ten years we can expect the emergence of artificial limb prosthesis that both externally and by the number of degrees of freedom nothing will yield human. Approximately the same amount of time needed to improve enforcement of prostheses to the extent that some of the indicators they will surpass human biological vision. neyroprotezy first appear in medical practice after 5 years already. Soon we will see people that use these technologies for medical reasons. And by 2030 it will be possible to observe a real boom of their application. "
"From past achievements may be mentioned here recently implemented into clinical practice retinal prosthesis Argus 2, lets you see the world totally blind people. Or prosthetic arm DEKA Arm System, which can be called a breakthrough in the creation of artificial limbs, because it allows to carry out such complex manipulations, how to turn the key in the lock and buttoning zippers. Moreover, with the support of the U.S. Advanced Research Projects Agency under the Ministry of Defense began to develop Darpa neyroprotezov capable of reducing brain activity in people with damaged areas of the brain ", - says Dmitry
Itskov  .
In this regard, he cites two examples. A resident of Austria after the shock has lost both hands. Subsequently, he established bioelectric prosthesis that can bend and take things while they are controlled by pulses of the brain using ultra-sensitive sensors. And in one of the laboratories in the U.S. have created neurochip, which gave an opportunity to the woman, paralyzed after a stroke, bring to his mouth with a glass of water - sending artificial arm mental order. Also, as expected, retinal implants allow people to see in the dark, and the latest neurointerfaces help manage the most feature-rich technology, instantly memorize gigabytes of data and making astronomical calculations. "You ask how it will affect the rehabilitation of disabled persons, most miraculously - convinces
Itskov  . - Disabled win here more than anyone else: they are again able to return to normal life. However, the power of thought can control not only neyroprotezami but artificial human body, Text . "

"Artificial body will not be an exact copy of a biological organism - he says. - It will be a functional copy of the human, allowing us to have the usual five senses, move, and perhaps feel like a man, but - designed by other principles. And it certainly possible. Moreover, nice avatar telepresence can be created in 2-3 years. According to our calculations, the human head transplant completely artificial body (full body prosthesis) is already possible through 7 years. With transfer brain is more complicated, but this technology can be implemented over the next 10-12 years. A first such experiment with small animals, is likely to be done in a year and a half. "
Is it possible in this case, the creation of brain-prosthesis "Yes, - says
Itskov - absolutely possible. I am convinced that, because aware of the ongoing work on the creation of prostheses separate parts of the brain that are now pursuing in the United States, on the results that were obtained in animal experiments, the start of works on creation of prostheses brain for people. Plus scale European and American projects to create maps and models of activity of the human brain is also impressive. Sooner or later, an artificial brain for our "I" will be created. It will not immediately but gradually, by successive replacement of individual tracks on electronic chips. As a result, a substantial part of the brain will not be biological. That is, the brain can be disassembled to replace any damaged pieces with artificial, and then again to collect all like puzzles or designer " Lego ".
Separate, and perhaps the main question - how to move a prosthetic brain consciousness of man, his soul. Is it possible to do a complete and adequate capacity and playback on a computer model of the brain, and then copying and transferring information from the brain to other media without loss of data and with full of personality-What scientists know about it, Would not that consciousness just die, unusable with its antiquated term biological brain-This threat, according to many experts, is more than real.
But Dmitry Itskova she does not scare: "Transfer" I "in an artificial body can be achieved by the gradual replacement of the biological parts of the brain to artificial - neyroprotezy, as well as through the creation of artificial networks of tiny sensors - nanofoam. Modern scientists have a suggestion the quantum nature of our consciousness. And perhaps, along with the strategy of a gradual transition from the biological to the brain will abiotically feasible and biological quantum teleportation of an artificial brain. However, to prolong the life of a particular person is not enough simply to copy the information into an artificial brain and, respectively, artificial body. important to understand exactly what we are suffering - that is "I", "consciousness", "soul." Research in this area is perhaps the most important and ambitious goal for science over the next 30-50 years. "
Who knows, it is possible that someday transfer his consciousness from one avatar to another will be as easy as it is today to change the SIM card in a mobile phone or Flatbed. Took - and copied itself to the new gadget.
U.S. National Intelligence released a report "Global Trends 2030: alternate worlds," according to which in the foreseeable future, people will have a set of super-powers. If you believe the Americans, already in this generation in the human body are easily implanted "superpowers" - become quite common, for example, night vision, and the ability to develop megapamyat incredible speed. Next to the ordinary people will live in megacities cyborgs, and anyone with a funded can using plastic surgery to redesign themselves in Superman.
There are many questions at once. Is it dangerous to excessive introduction of artificial elements in the human body, where is the line that will distinguish man from the cyborg it be possible kibernizirovat brain or even replace it with another A-extend the life with the help of these improvements-Whether or not the cyborgs in the soul-
As it turned out, for the answers are not necessarily co-opt experts from abroad - the problem of technical re-equipment and a person closely involved in Russia. And domestic researchers enthusiasts progress in this, perhaps, even more Americans.
Anyway, based on the development of our scientists can already draw far-reaching conclusions futuristic. Some of them stated "Rosbaltu" one of the ideologists of universal human kiberizatsii Dmitry
Itskov - Russian billionaire, "transhumanist" and founder of the social movement "Russia 2045", whose members - leading experts in the field of interfaces, robotics and artificial organs - are involved, including , a project to create an artificial human body (avatar).
"The functions of any organ - sight, hearing, touch, intellectual activity and movement - can be enhanced with cybernetic technology - explains Ickov. - When this happens-Judging by today's pace of development of robotics and neyroprotezirovaniya very soon. Cybernetic technology already being used for the production of hearing implants, bionic prosthetic limbs and internal organs until the heart of the prosthesis. Same dentures hearing massively used in medical practice. During the next ten years we can expect the emergence of artificial limb prosthesis that both externally and by the number of degrees of freedom nothing will yield human. Approximately the same amount of time needed to improve enforcement of prostheses to the extent that some of the indicators they will surpass human biological vision. neyroprotezy first appear in medical practice after 5 years already. Soon we will see people that use these technologies for medical reasons. And by 2030 it will be possible to observe a real boom of their application. "
"From past achievements may be mentioned here recently implemented into clinical practice retinal prosthesis Argus 2, lets you see the world totally blind people. Or prosthetic arm DEKA Arm System, which can be called a breakthrough in the creation of artificial limbs, because it allows to carry out such complex manipulations, how to turn the key in the lock and buttoning zippers. Moreover, with the support of the U.S. Advanced Research Projects Agency under the Ministry of Defense began to develop Darpa neyroprotezov capable of reducing brain activity in people with damaged areas of the brain ", - says Dmitry
Itskov .
In this regard, he cites two examples. A resident of Austria after the shock has lost both hands. Subsequently, he established bioelectric prosthesis that can bend and take things while they are controlled by pulses of the brain using ultra-sensitive sensors. And in one of the laboratories in the U.S. have created neurochip, which gave an opportunity to the woman, paralyzed after a stroke, bring to his mouth with a glass of water - sending artificial arm mental order. Also, as expected, retinal implants allow people to see in the dark, and the latest neurointerfaces help manage the most feature-rich technology, instantly memorize gigabytes of data and making astronomical calculations. "You ask how it will affect the rehabilitation of disabled persons, most miraculously - convinces Ickov. - Disabled win here more than anyone else: they are again able to return to normal life. However, the power of thought can control not only neyroprotezami but artificial human body, Text . "
"The idea is that any human body can be replaced by another, artificial," - says another member of the project "Russia - 2045" Alexander Kaplan, physiologist, Sc.D., Professor, Head. Laboratory of Neurophysiology and the Biology Department neurointerfaces MGU.Kak scientist physiologist he does not see any problems in the creation of artificial organs, including such important as the liver and heart. However, artificial brain, in his opinion, is much more complicated. "Some of the functions of the brain is quite possible to reproduce and even improve - says Kaplan. - For example, those associated with the solution of computational tasks, memory, perception. But there is a function that can not play the technical devices - creating the current model of the outside world, our internal mental images of the world ... ".
However, the portal project "Russia-2045" Alexander Kaplan expounds enough optimistic scenario kibernizatsii man: "With the interface can give the brain peripherals, manipulators, sensors, system movement. Brain can then traveling alone. Unless specified task gradual replacement "defective" bodies and dwell on the creation of a mobile robot with neurointerfaces for control of the human brain, then the availability of funds, this project can be implemented over the next five years. At that time, when it becomes possible to maintain the life of the brain in an artificial environment, biotechnology robots made perfect form and will look more like a decent human body. "
All the prerequisites for such a development is. Today there neurointerfaces that directly connect a mechanical artificial limb to the central nervous system of the person - and this is the first step to create a cyborg.
Which organs of the human body is most easily prosthesis-According to the head of the Laboratory of Mathematical Neurobiology Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology Alexander Frolov, it kidneys, heart, lungs. Worse yet amenable prosthetics liver. Nevertheless, the case comes before it. The time will come when everyone will be offered a difficult choice: to remain human or transformed into a cyborg.
"Briton Nigel Ekeland because of its bionic prosthetic arm for a long time called" cyborg "and" Terminator "- said Dmitry
Itskov . - Today you can call anyone with a pacemaker or a hearing implant. But, in my opinion, do not constitute separate the class of people whose lives become more fulfilling through technological devices. Not artificial limb prosthesis or internal organ makes people less human. Besides, the quality of these bodies will be so high that their presence in the human body can not be recognizable to the naked eye ... First all these technologies can and should be used for medical reasons, but eventually they will cease to be inferior in functionality, biological and human organs will find perfect compatibility with the body. "
Not so long ago on the same subject and spoke Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. According to him, in 2013 in Russia launched a program to build combat robots, the most "compatible" with the man. The intelligent control technology, weapons and robots that will go into gear Russian soldier will have a number of features, such as "feeler" suit "sensitized" manipulators and 3D-vision. Soldiers operator can not only transmit military precision robot android all his movements, but also to receive from him a similar feedback. In fact, the machine operator will be in its "reality." "Nothing of the kind in the world is not created yet," - said Rogozin. The first phase of the project will be completed in 2015.
However, whether it is dangerous excessive introduction of artificial elements in the human body to improve its capacity-Where is the threshold for the artificiality of the body and brain, in what criteria it should be expressed-
"In my opinion, there is no threshold of artificiality - says
Itskov . - Moreover, the tasks necessary for the creation of humanity is completely artificial immortal body to the human" I ". It will not get sick, grow old, will be able to withstand radiation, high and low pressure to conquer the ocean depths and Large space. Eventually these copies human thought controlled using neurointerfaces, become available to so many mass product like a car. Avatar became a cult and trendy gadget as it is today iPad, iPhone or home 3-D cinema. Children will play with avatars like toys. Industrially, the Emergencies Ministry, the military sphere will "revolution avatars" - as they say, and do not sink in water and fire does not burn. "
Moreover, as scientists say, people can not only complement your body mechanisms, but also flow into the machine. Augmented reality system, the first prototypes of which have already been established, allow us to use a truly massive amounts of information that are not available in the physical perception. According Itskova, logical procedure to merge the human brain to process device - Connect brain with full prosthesis body to prolong life.
"Artificial body will not be an exact copy of a biological organism - he says. - It will be a functional copy of the human, allowing us to have the usual five senses, move, and perhaps feel like a man, but - designed by other principles. And it certainly possible. Moreover, nice avatar telepresence can be created in 2-3 years. According to our calculations, the human head transplant completely artificial body (full body prosthesis) is already possible through 7 years. With transfer brain is more complicated, but this technology can be implemented over the next 10-12 years. A first such experiment with small animals, is likely to be done in a year and a half. "
Is it possible in this case, the creation of brain-prosthesis "Yes, - says
Itskov - absolutely possible. I am convinced that, because aware of the ongoing work on the creation of prostheses separate parts of the brain that are now pursuing in the United States, on the results that were obtained in animal experiments, the start of works on creation of prostheses brain for people. Plus scale European and American projects to create maps and models of activity of the human brain is also impressive. Sooner or later, an artificial brain for our "I" will be created. It will not immediately but gradually, by successive replacement of individual tracks on electronic chips. As a result, a substantial part of the brain will not be biological. That is, the brain can be disassembled to replace any damaged pieces with artificial, and then again to collect all like puzzles or designer " Lego ".
Separate, and perhaps the main question - how to move a prosthetic brain consciousness of man, his soul. Is it possible to do a complete and adequate capacity and playback on a computer model of the brain, and then copying and transferring information from the brain to other media without loss of data and with full of personality-What scientists know about it, Would not that consciousness just die, unusable with its antiquated term biological brain-This threat, according to many experts, is more than real.
But Dmitry
Itskov she does not scare: "Transfer" I "in an artificial body can be achieved by the gradual replacement of the biological parts of the brain to artificial - neyroprotezy, as well as through the creation of artificial networks of tiny sensors - nanofoam. Modern scientists have a suggestion the quantum nature of our consciousness. And perhaps, along with the strategy of a gradual transition from the biological to the brain will abiotically feasible and biological quantum teleportation of an artificial brain. However, to prolong the life of a particular person is not enough simply to copy the information into an artificial brain and, respectively, artificial body. important to understand exactly what we are suffering - that is "I", "consciousness", "soul." Research in this area is perhaps the most important and ambitious goal for science over the next 30-50 years. "
Who knows, it is possible that someday transfer his consciousness from one avatar to another will be as easy as it is today to change the SIM card in a mobile phone or Flatbed. Took - and copied itself to the new gadget.


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