June 24, 2014

Scientists create artificial esophagus

Almost six years ago, medical scientists have produced the world's first transplant of artificial trachea. Every day, more scientists are progressing in making artificial organs including artificial esophagus.

Esophageal cancer are diagnosed each year in half a million people in the world. Despite the fact that this disease is among the most common oncological diseases, but this form of cancer is not always forecast comforting, and in some cases and unfavorable outcome.

In this case, surgeons removed portion of the esophagus, the affected tumor replacing the donor organ or patient's own tissue excised from the stomach or colon. The first option is not always a positive result because rejection can occur and not all patients tolerate such an operation.Currently, the Stockholm group of specialists in the field of regenerative medicine with a leading professor at the Karolinska Institute Paolo Macchiarini even come closer to creating artificial esophagus.

Macchiarini professor, transplant surgeon, five and a half years ago in Barcelona clinic performed the first transplant trachea cultured in the laboratory, making it possible to eliminate the use of immunosuppressive drugs.

After the successes of the windpipe, scientists began to experiment with the esophagus. Betting on tissue engineering, Professor Macchiarini achieved good results in getting artificial esophagus. There are experiments conducted on rats with a very positive result. Investigations are continuing and in the coming years will be possible transplant, cultured in the laboratory of the esophagus, man.


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