July 21, 2014

Putin inspects a start-up project on the Internet

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday acquainted with several start-up projects on the Internet, which supports the Foundation for Development of Internet initiatives.

In particular, the President took part in the online restoration of forests in the national park "Meschera": using a special server head of state has acquired more than 6,000 trees that will soon be planted on a plot of 1.5 hectares.
How to grow a forest on the Internet

So, with the help of the "passion fruit" anyone can take part in the planting of forests in a particular area of land affected by the natural disaster, disease or insect pests. To do this, he selects a virtual map of the place where I would like to grow your forest, the number of trees for which the pay by credit card, then draw up the deal. Forester working in the region, is committed to plant these trees and keep track of them for five years. Such know-how exist only in Russia, and with the help of 2.5 months of the project has managed to restore 100,000 trees in seven national parks in Russia.

After Putin acquired the trees, his assistant assured the organizers of the project, that the money for the purchase will be listed soon. However, the President refused to help, saying: "I will pay for your forest itself."
"Key of Life"

In addition, the President also promised to help with the development of another project - in the field of health. Young Russian scientists have created the so-called key of life, with which an elderly person or a disabled person may at any time contact with the doctors. Experts if necessary to help the subscriber advice, contact with a relative of his, or cause an ambulance to the address that they see via satellite.

This "key of life" can be placed either on a specially designed pendant, hours, or where it is more convenient to man. To date, about 10 million subscribers in Moscow and St. Petersburg are already using such opportunities, but the organizers of the project have difficulties with the implementation of the program at the federal level. "Style corresponding appeal to the government, and we'll help you", - the president promised.

In addition, the President raised a lot of interest online service allowing you to transfer images of cancer histology on the internet. The volume of these patterns to more accurately diagnose oncology, more than 100 gigabytes, and with the usual online resources to transfer it from clinic to clinic is impossible. However, the developed technology can optimize the image, making a diagnosis can take remotely attended by doctors around the world.

"We would ask you to consider the possibility of a pilot project in at least one region of Russia" - appealed to Putin scientist. The head of state promised to talk about this with the Minister of Health.
Housing remained on the sidelines

The Head of State is also willing to help with other projects - in the field of public utilities. Developed by Russian specialists system allows using low-cost devices to obtain accurate data on used in the apartment volumes of water, electricity and heat, and transmit them to Internet services. Thus, anyone can see on a daily basis, how many resources it consumes family and check the data with the testimony of the housing organization, exhibitor for this account.

"We could start with Moscow in order to extend the application of this system," - suggested that the head of state created by the project. Vladimir Putin has promised to speak on the issue with the capital management.
Other projects

The Russian President also visited the project a virtual tutor for students, helping teachers to develop test papers, test them and put in electronic form evaluation. In addition, Putin familiarized with the service, which collected more than 200,000 trips in 400 cities around the world. This project allows, in particular, to promote the Russian domestic tourism, talking about all the attractions of a city, as well as booking tours at affordable prices.

Vladimir Putin also paid attention to the website of the "angry citizen", where the Russians complain about the specific problems encountered in everyday life, and a number of other projects.


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