July 31, 2014

The Israelis have created an "electronic nose" to search for explosives

Engineers School of Chemistry and Center for Nanotechnology and nanomaterials research at Tel Aviv University have developed an "electronic nose" that has two to three orders of magnitude more sensitive to molecules of explosives than the dog's nose. According to a report from Tel Aviv University, the "nose" is a chip with several hundred ultra-sensitive sensors that can detect explosives in the air molecules.

On a chip "electronic nose" located nanotransistors who are able to change the electrical conductivity in contact with them at least one molecule of the explosive. On the basis of the smallest changes in the electrical conductivity nanotransistors mathematical algorithm analyzes the interaction of matter. According to the Tel Aviv University, their device in mass production will be cheaper than existing search engines explosives.

Accurate data on the sensitivity of the chip in the message is not listed, but indicated that he was working at a concentration of a few molecules of explosive per quadrillion molecules of other gases. Detection of hazardous substances produced in real time. In this case, the electronic chip is able to differentiate explosives from other substances which, when other tests may give a positive result.

Furthermore, sensors able to detect and home-made devices which use unconventional explosives. For example, the chip can detect acetone peroxide or гексаметилентрипероксиддиамин, substances often used in homemade bombs. The "electronic nose", unlike other systems, search of explosives, is able to accurately detect a substance. Developed by the Israelis and the device can operate with liquids.

In October 2013 the American engineers at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee announced the creation of a new search technology explosives low and high power. The developed method is used by the Americans phased acoustic source, allowing to send the object under study the ultrasonic beam.

Simultaneously on the same object is induced laser beam, which allows to measure the oscillation frequency of its shell, caused by exposure to ultrasound. On the strength and frequency of these oscillations, and you can most likely determine the explosive. Currently, this method only works in the case of explosives, placed in a plastic container, but in the long term opportunities will be expanded by the shell fabric.


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