July 17, 2014

Tides on exoplanets have been voted helpful for life

Scientists from NASA came to the conclusion that the heat generated as a result of tidal phenomena on planets with eccentric orbits can contribute favorable conditions for life. The results of his study authors published in The Astrophysical Journal, and briefly with him can be found at NASA.

Astronomers have found that the planet, the inner content of which includes several layers of material of different density and structure, as a result of tidal phenomena release thermal energy, which can contribute to creating and maintaining favorable conditions for life on the outer body. Layers may include, for example, layers of the crust, mantle and core material.

Scientists have simulated the dynamics of tides on the planet, whose volume to 2.5 times the size of Earth. Orbits of planets initially rotating in elongated elliptical trajectories, resulting in tidal phenomena can evolve similar to pie - orbit similar to Earth's.

Planets which move in an elongated elliptical trajectories are subject to intense attack by many factors. First, it is a risk of collision with massive celestial bodies, including other planets and parent star.

Secondly, the force of gravity act differently on the matter of the planet at a distance and convergence greatest distance from the parent star, causing the tides (and flow) - deformation of the shape of a celestial body. These phenomena lead to the appearance of internal friction forces, a warming agent in it and temperature fluctuations in different layers inner layers on opposite sides of the planet.

Modeling conducted by scientists shows that relatively unfavorable conditions of exoplanets moving in elongated orbits may, if the layered internal structure lead to the evolution of the orbit of a space body in near-circular, and thermal heating substance of the planet can contribute to creating a favorable environment for life-threatening conditions, including including planets, stars which emit enough light.

Scientists plan to continue their research: in particular, they are interested in the dynamics of the layers inside the planets and their relative contribution to the overall process of tidal phenomena.


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