July 17, 2014

The car will keep abreast of the driver

In fact, it's not a fantasy, but the reality of the near future. Very soon, the electronic control of the vehicle will work closely with the body of the driver. Producing a continuous monitoring of vital signs (heart rate, cardiac performance, depth of breathing, etc.), the car will have an opportunity at a critical moment to take it over.

A unique project of the University of Nottingham (UK) dedicated to the development of special medical sensors that are built into the driver's seat. With their help, the control system receives data about the degree of fatigue a person who is behind the wheel. If the figures come out of the set parameters (for example, if the driver falls asleep), the computer takes over.

Sensors called EPIC (Electric Potential Integrated Circuits) are embedded in a plastic circumference of small diameter disposed at the back of the chair. Device developed by Plessey Semiconductors.

In the future, perhaps, such a monitoring system will be combined with cruise control, auto hold function in the lane and other electronic devices whose mission is to ensure the safety of the driver. As a result, we expect a significant reduction in road deaths in road accidents, reducing the number of accidents caused by a sudden heart attack or that the driver fell asleep at the wheel. For some drivers thought that the car controls its owner may carry some discomfort. But these negative emotions are more than offset by the ability to save thousands of lives.

EPIC sensor development is still in its initial stage. In all likelihood, at first, the device will only be used in commercial vehicles. This is due to their complexity and high cost.


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