"Kaspersky Lab" has received a patent from the Registrar of Patents and Trademarks U.S. technology that allows to search for threats in the IT-infrastructure of the company without access to confidential information. This is stated in a statement.
Since not all threats can be identified using a locally installed solutions and some of them require more thorough investigation. To do this, suspicious files are sent to the special infrastructure developer of security software (software), which is available in more resources and tools to conduct a comprehensive analysis.
However, in the IT-infrastructure, the majority of companies are treated confidential data whose transmission to third-party servers is strictly prohibited corporate rules. As a result, the storage of encrypted files can often be vulnerable to particularly complex malware detection on the client side which is impossible.
Proceeding from this, "Kaspersky Lab" has developed a technology that allows administrators to corporate networks to filter content sent to a specialist to check. The basic principle is patented technology that are client-side protective components collect and transmit outward only metadata - information to investigate the characteristics of the data without having access to them.
If in the process of third-party analysis still need to file contents, corporate infrastructure request is sent to the list of objects needed for more detailed investigation. In response to a query scans the list administrator determines which files are not confidential, and allows them to send.
Server receives the requested information, completes the analysis offline. In case of infection administrator is notified and, if possible, the tools to fix the problem.
"Companies that work with sensitive data, in a sense become hostages of their privacy - protecting valuable information from disclosure, they put it another danger. But malware infects all files in a row without dividing them into secret and unclassified », ─ said one of the authors of the patent Alexey Polyakov, head of operational solutions virus incidents" Kaspersky Lab ".
According to him, usually part of the infected files can be no risk of disclosure of trade secrets forward for testing. Thus, the technology of "Kaspersky Lab" reveals threat and pick method of protection without having to breach confidentiality.
The company sent a request for patenting the technology also Rospatent.
As of today, "Kaspersky Lab" has received 213 patents in Russia, the U.S., China and Europe, and another 271 are pending patent application.