May 1, 2014

"Hole" in the Explorer jeopardized half the world's computers

Microsoft announced the need to address the vulnerability in Internet Explorer versions 6 through 11 th, which is already used for hacker attacks. This is stated in the message Microsoft.

According to analyst firm NetMarketShare, this version of the browser used by more than half the world's desktop computers.

The vulnerability could allow an attacker to completely control the compromised system, including changing access settings, delete files, install malicious programs or creating accounts that give an attacker full user rights.

Experts estimate the proportion of StatCounter users who chose these browser versions , modest - only 27.5 percent, which , however, is also the basis for large-scale exploitation .
"Microsoft is aware of a limited number of targeted attacks that exploit a vulnerability in Internet Explorer versions of the sixth through eleventh . This vulnerability allows an attacker to remotely execute code . After investigation Microsoft will take the necessary measures to protect users , which may include a security update , "- said in a statement .

However, computers on Windows XP operating system will not receive this update, because the company ceased official support platform since April 8. According to experts, in the world of the order of 15-30 percent of the PCs are still working on this OS.

Microsoft had previously recommended that all Windows XP users to upgrade to a more modern version of the platform, including Windows 7 and 8.


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