May 12, 2014

Researchers have developed a recovering material

Scientists from Illinois were able to develop a material that can not only " medical treatment ", but also to recover.Until now , self-healing materials may seal only tiny microscopic cracks. New materials are capable of regenerating fill large cracks and holes . One of the developers , Professor Moore: " We have shown recovery of synthetic materials so what there is in some living systems ." Using special fibers , the researchers created a material with networks of capillaries, by analogy with biological circulatory system .

Professor Sotos said: " This vascular system allows us to deliver a large amount of therapeutic agents that can restore a zone of significant damage . Circulatory system also allows multiple restorations , if the material is damaged repeatedly . " For material recovery , two adjacent parallel capillary filled regenerative chemicals that arise when damage occurs . These two liquids are mixed , forming a gel which covers the gap and fills the cracks and holes . Then, the gel hardens into a solid polymer , restoring plastic material .


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